The Profitable Provider

No Sales - This page will tell you who it's for and who it's not.

This program is for:

  • Providers currently doing at least $750k annually in sales.

  • Allied health providers servicing the NDIS and doing at least $750k

  • Businesses that have mission to help as many people as possible

  • Businesses looking to grow and be a Market Leader

  • People willing to invest time and money to create an industry - leading provider business

This program is not for:

  • People in it for the money and don't care about client's results

  • People who use deceptive metrics and shady billing

  • People just getting started- (check out Momentum for Providers)

Just letting you know.

This is not cheap. But its FULL of value

Also, you're required to implement what you learn and share what works with our group - just like they're required to share their secrets with you!

Here's what's next

First, you will need to provide your email(no generic ones).

Then you'll be taken to an invasive interrogation (not really, just getting rid of the tyre kickers.

I, Paul, personally look at every application, then on of two things will happen:

  1. We aren't a good fit. If so, I'll politely let you know and point you in the right direction.

  2. We might be a good match. I or one of my team will schedule a call with you. No sales or pressure. We chat and if you want in: cool. If it is not: also cool.

I'm only looking for a high-calibre individuals + businesses to join the profitable provider program.

Here's the First Step

Enter your email & hit the button to get started

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